Travel isn’t for everyone. Some people genuinely enjoy the quiet life, at home, in their slippers, watching other people have adventures. It’s funny though, that those people always seem to light up and speak fondly of the one time they were forced to leave their comfort zone and visit somewhere alien to them (perhaps on a school trip to France or a family holiday to Florida). If only they could see that they love having stories to tell and context to give. Then they might feel that travel isn’t so bad after all.
Today, we’re going to look at a few unexpected reasons to travel. Why? Because “broadening your horizons” is so vague that we may as well say “travel is good because I said so”. Besides, we all like to think of our horizons as being broad enough, and we find the notion of making ourselves even more well-rounded to be as redundant as chopping up rice.
Here’s the thing, though. This could be your year. This could be it. The time of your life. The year you take the photo that will hang as a canvas print in your hallway (see Cusstom canvas prints for more inspiration). So, without further ado, let’s get to it.
Less talked about reasons to travel:
When Jack met Rose in Titanic, they were travelling. When Paris met Helen (the face that launched a thousand ships) in the saga of Troy, there was travel. Even Romeo lived across town from Juliet and had to travel to the ball, not an easy feat when donkey and cart was probably the only taxi service available. The point is, romance and travel go hand in hand. It’s not often talked about. But it’s true.
You got the job!
Travel connects people. Whenever two people meet for the first time and have a reason to make conversation (such as during a job interview), there are a few obvious ways to get the ball rolling. One of them is to talk about your travel plans, “Going anywhere nice this year?”. If your answer is “No, not really,” you’re hardly off to a flying start. But if your answer is “Well, I’m glad you asked, maybe you can help me decide, have you been to either of these cities…” instantly, you look like a go-getter and like someone who engages with life. Travel makes you interesting, and interesting people get hired.
Travel will give you a backbone you didn’t know you had
When things go wrong at home, you’re surrounded by a support network. You could call family or friends to ask if they know anything about fixing a malfunctioning washing machine. You could ask your neighbour for help lifting a large delivery. You can rely on the local shop for basics like bread. At home, problems are small and they are generally sorted out using plan-A.
When travelling, you’re on your own, and it may get to plan-D before you find a solution (quick, you’ve lost your passport and you don’t speak the language, what do you do?). Problem-solving is character building.
And there you have it, folks. Top reasons to travel that you may not have expected.