
Cool Adventures


Life might be about the journey but a good road trip needs a great destination. In our fast-paced, texting-at-the-breakfast table world that we live in, sometimes we need to re-connect with our friends and family. Unlike a typical beach vacation, a great road trip will leave people with more than a tan. It will leave you with memories. These are…

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Trying to choose between America and Canada is very difficult. Both countries have an array of attractions that you must see in your lifetime. So, instead of visiting one, why not visit both? Here are ten reasons why… 10. Road Trip Road trips are not monopolised by North America but there aren’t many places in the world that are better…

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International travel has come a long way over the past few decades. Nowadays, holidaymakers have greater opportunities to see more of the world. With this in mind, there have been a number of gems unearthed in recent times. The continent of Asia has become increasingly popular with holidaymakers, and Bali is one of the very best islands to visit. The…

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It might seem some time away right now, but a lot of us are beginning to cast our eyes towards next year’s vacation plans. Today, we’re going to take a look at some trips away for the more adventurous amongst you. And, of course, for those whose idea of fun doesn’t involve sitting on a beach for a fortnight. So,…

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If you are thinking about planning a trip for the end of the summer or early autumn, you might be unsure where to go. If you are bored of visiting Europe, then you might be looking to travel to somewhere a little further afield. What about planning a trip to Costa Rica? Costa Rica is an amazing country located in…

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What do Canyonlands, Rockaway Beach, Windham Mountain and the Shawangunk Ridge have in common? Well, aside from being prominent outdoor resorts and adventure locations in Northern America, they were also recently bound by an innovative marketing effort from major sports and outdoor clothing brand The North Face. The see #seeforyourself campaign used an iconic New York mini cab to traverse…

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Every year around October time there’s a mass exodus of people from the UK and other parts of Western Europe flocking to the other side of the world on Australia backpacking adventures. It has become almost a rite of passage for the twenty somethings to ditch the grey skies and head to the eternal Sunshine of Australia. There are many…

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Taking a campervan or car around Europe can really show you a different side to this amazing continent. Travelling under your own steam around the highways and byways of our European neighbours holds a certain additional level of satisfaction over packing into a jet plane and being dumped in another country. However, a European road trip is not something that…

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  We’ve always wanted to travel to Costa Rica and visit its famous Volcan Arenal. This is the best-known volcano in Costa Rica and coming here gives you the chance to see the unique natural formation up close. If we were was heading to Costa Rica on a activity holiday, this volcano would be first on our to do list. About…

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Although you might be excited about the prospect of seeing Machu Picchu in all its glory, don’t rush your walk on the Inca Trail. While Machu Picchu may be the most famous ruins left by this civilisation, they are far from the only ones tucked away in the Andes. Here’s a guide to some of the fascinating sites you can…

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